Every conference I go to, it seems that everyone wants us to do exit slips. As a first grade teacher, it can be fairly difficult to have students do exit slips of any kind. We are still learning to write simple sentences. It is too difficult for them to write what they learned that day. I have a different plan....I cannot actually take credit for this. I found it on someone's blog and now cannot remember who it was. I loved it and decided to make it my own (that is what we teachers do best right?)!
One of our standards in first grade is learning about past, present, and future and reading a timeline. So throughout our school year we are creating our own timeline. At the end of each month, we discuss all of the things that we have learned that month in each of our subjects. We make a list on a piece of construction paper (as a shared writing). We title it with the month that we are writing about and hang it on the wall. At the end of the year, we will have created a timeline for the entire year of all the things that we have learned in first grade. Quite an exit slip, don't ya think? I can't wait to see the finished project, as this is the first year I have tried it, but we are just over halfway through and I think it looks great so far! Perhaps at the end of the year, I can give each kid a picture of their first grade timeline so that they can see everything that they have learned!
(I apologize for the glare in the picture. The timeline is located above the closets and I am short! lol)