Fist of all, I would like to say HELLO AUGUST!! To celebrate the arrival of August, everything in my store is 20% off today and tomorrow!
I am hosting another Bloggy Brag Board! I know that it is not polite to brag, but really? We are all totally awesome and it is perfectly ok to show it!*wink*
Really, I created this linky party because I love reading about all of your successes. I like hearing about what is REALLY going on. Yes, you can tell all about your products that you are creating, but also share things like great finds on Pinterest or Pinterest "re-creations" Or perhaps a special student just did something AMAZING and you want to share. Or, did you finally figure out how to do something on your blog? Or maybe you reached your "followers goal?" Tell us about it!! This is one place where you can share all of those GREAT things that are going on!!
So here is how it works. 1.Save the picture below. 2. Add in your thoughts. 3. Load it up into your own blog or even a Facebook page. 4. Tell us about it (maybe even add a picture or two just to spice things up *hehe*) 5. Link it up!
So here is my August Brag Board:
Products: Check out this adorable Welcome Banner! (these are just a couple pieces of it. I am working on cutting them out. I will post another pic when I get it all together!) I am so excited. I have this vision of how I want the doorway to my classroom to look. I am on the end of the hall so I have my own little space with corners on both ends. We are not allowed to decorate our doors, but I am thinking of having this banner over the door (or maybe the bulletin board) with a tree in the corner by the entrance and some monkeys hanging around everywhere!
Blog: I am participating in my first every blog hop! Yay! Last month I did a Facebook hop (which I am doing again this month) but this will be my first BLOG hop! And what is more great than getting to participate in it with a bunch of great teachers from right here in Virginia! I am so excited! It starts on Monday! Be sure to be there!
Pinterest: I am always looking for cutesy crafts that my kiddos can do (although we haven't done quite as many this summer). Look at these. They are sun catchers that I found on Pinterest (where else, right?) Here is what we did. We put plastic beads into a round cake pan and put them into the oven at 400 degrees for about 20 minutes. They all melted together. After it had cooled just a little (but not completely) I took a straw and punched a hole into the top so that we could lace string through to hang them. Aren't they cute? The sun doesn't shine through them quite like it is supposed to but it is still a cute little decoration!
Classroom: I can finally see the floor! I am nowhere near ready for kids but I am making progress! 3 weeks to go!
Everything Else: I always enjoy my summers off with my guys. We didn't do much this summer but it was nice spending time with them. Summer is coming to an end and we are all ready to go back, but I know I will miss this when they become "too old" to spend time with their mommy.
Now it is your turn! August is here and many of you are getting ready to go back to school. Tell us about it!