Saturday, April 6, 2013

"Time" for a Giveaway!

It is time for my very first giveaway!! I am SO excited!! I have finally reached my 20 followers mark! I know that doesn't seem like much to most of you, but to me it is awesome!! Yay!

So, to embrace the moment, I am going to give two lucky people my newest product! I have just finished creating a telling time scoot game for the hour and half hour. There are two different games in this pack. One game requires the kids to look at the clock and write the digital time. The other one requires the kids to put the hands on the clock for the given digital time.

I am so excited about this product. I am just beginning my unit on time and have been on the lookout for some great ideas for teaching time to the hour and half hour. So, in order to be my freebie winner, all you have to do is leave one great idea for teaching time in the comments box. My first two people to share ideas will win the time scoot game for free!! Don't forget to also leave me your email so I can send it to you!  
For your own copy of my Time Scoot, click here!


  1. I've worked very hard on teaching time this year with my first graders, but a few are just not getting it. very frustrating. I get times like 1:12 for 1:00 and 30:00 for 6:00. Never had this problem before. I'm obviously not the one to ask for tips on this, but I try to stress looking at the little hand first. Your activity looks great!
    First Grade Carousel

    1. Thank you for your response though Maria! Have you tried having your kids color code their times when they write it? Our clock manipulatives have red and blue hands on them to help the kids remember. When I give them a worksheet, I will have them color code it themselves by coloring the hands on the clock and the corresponding times when they write it. The little hand is red and the big hand is blue, so the kids would write their hour in red and their minutes in blue.

      What is your email? I will send you a free copy of my scoot game!

  2. I always start of with a book from Scholastic about the concept of time. Then I show them the huge clock from Learning Resources and they get to use the little student clocks!

  3. Thanks for the great idea. My clock just has two red hands, but that could be changed:) I will have to give it a try. My email is
    First Grade Carousel

  4. Jessica, I love your blog design! It looks like it has layers of various mediums with the plaid, ribbons and buttons--very cute! Great freebie also--thanks! :) The Learning Lab

  5. I just finished up my time unit on Friday!

    I like to play "I have , Who has" for time. I also have my guys create a time booklet for things that they do over the course of a day.

    I also like to have them make their own clock using a paper plate, card stock and fasteners.

    I think you already have your two winners but if not here is my email address:

    Love your blog!
